The Collection Of Mindset Pole Dancers Created By The Community For The Community In A Visual Celebration
A Note From The Book Visionary, Marina Mars:
"The idea for the Chrome Chronicles came out of a moment steeped in appreciation. It was October 2017, and I was sitting in bed watching TV, reflecting on the community I had never truly taken a step back and looked at before. Like Narnia, it isn't a place you seek - it seeks you. Look, I've traveled and performed in different places and industries - and there is something special happening here that should be documented, shared, and celebrated.
Secondly, I knew that as we approach the the point of total reflection as elderly people, we would want to bind this energy in a physical object, point to it and say "I sure did something in this lifetime. We lived a good life." Lastly, I'm not a fan of being categorized. I didn't want to segregate. I didn't want us to be ranked. Inside these pages, we are all on the same level - a human level.
We would stand together, side by side in a way that the rest of our country and it's history may frown upon. Together, we are united by chrome.
Welcome from PPA owner:
And still after all this time, the sun never says to the earth, ‘You owe me.’ Look what happens to a love like that, it lights the whole sky.” ~Haviz
Pole dance has become an activity that brought many of us out of a dark place, became the rock that held us up, and helped us to become stronger women (and humans) in spite of the negative stigma that surrounds it.
I fight to share the love of the community and the empowerment that comes from pole dance through Pole and Performing Art shows, competitions, and events because I cannot imagine a world without it.
It brought me to my feet when I was on my knees, and I have witnessed how it continues to give courage to all those that try it. This book is just another wayto give back and connect us, it's the tribute to that visceral bond that we feel with each other even if we live hundreds of miles apart.
Thank you for being a part of the first edition of the
Chrome Chronicles of the Midwest.
With love and joy,
Myss Angie
Midwest submissions now CLOSED!
Are you a pole studio or business that would like to be featured in the book? Take a look at how you can
Upcoming editions:
Northeast // Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania
Pacific // Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California, Hawaii
Southeast // Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, Florida
Southwest // Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Texas, Oklahoma
Rocky Mountains // Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado