Pole Safety

Is that pole setup safe? Crucial Rigging Tips for Pole Performers and Competitors to Know. Part 3

Nov 06, 2023

Anchoring Truss Structures for a Secure Performance

Safety is paramount when it comes to pole performances. The well-being of both performers and the audience is our top priority, allowing everyone to have a fantastic time without any worries.

In our previous blog posts, we've explored the importance of truss cross-bracing for stability Part 1 and the selection of the proper pole for truss mounting in Part 2.

In this blog post, we'll dive into another critical aspect of safety: weighing and anchoring the truss structure.

Weighing Down the Truss Structure

Truss structures with floor legs may require additional measures to ensure they are adequately anchored or weighted down. The necessity for this can vary depending on the type of pole and the venue's regulations. Here, we'll discuss the considerations involved in spotting if this specific truss structure is effectively weighted down.

Pressure-Mounted vs. Screwed-In Poles

The anchoring requirements for truss-mounted poles can differ based on whether the pole is pressure-mounted or screwed into the floor. Some venues may not permit poles to be screwed into the floor, necessitating the use of pressure mounting. In such cases, the importance of secure anchoring becomes even more pronounced, as the pole relies on pressure only to keep the bottom of the pole in place.

Addressing Pole Spin Issues

Sometimes, issues related to pole spin may arise. If a pole isn't spinning as smoothly as desired, it may be due to quality control issues. In such cases, it's essential to address these concerns promptly. Having the organizer or production team loosen up the pole can often improve its spin, enhancing the overall performance.

Assessing Truss Anchoring

A critical safety check of a pole setup involves assessing the anchoring of the truss structure. If you can physically lift the truss by pulling up on one of its legs, it's a clear indication that the anchoring is insufficient. This kind of instability poses a significant risk to performers, and it must be rectified. Make sure you have permission to do this type of testing. Touching the rigging may not be allowed. Talk to your organizer or production team before attemting this test.

Effective Truss Anchoring

An effective way a truss structure can be anchored is through the use of weights. The key is to look that they have concentrated the weights on the farthest lever of the leg or on the outer legs. This is not the only way to anchor the truss down, but this approach ensures that the truss remains stable and resistant to forces or movements during the performance.

Land of Lakes Pole Dance Festival, 2023

Empowering Performers with Knowledge

This knowledge is provided to help performers assess the performance setup with care and awareness. Being informed and understanding the risks involved in pole performances is vital for everyone's safety. We want to empower performers to prioritize their well-being and the well-being of their audience.

Consult with Professionals

If you're considering setting up a pole truss system, it's highly advisable to consult with professionals who have expertise in rigging and pole performance. Their knowledge and experience will ensure that your setup is safe, stable, and perfectly suited to your needs.

In conclusion, anchoring a truss structure is a critical aspect of pole show safety. Whether you're dealing with pressure-mounted or screwed-in poles, ensuring proper anchoring is essential for a successful and secure truss system set up. Stay tuned for our next blog post, where we'll explore additional safety measures and considerations for pole performances.

I highly recommend that these systems be complemented and overseen by professionals that understand the unique loads of pole dance and the requirements to safely set up. Do not set them up yourselves.

Are you considering setting up a pole show? Pole Art offers consultations, setup, rigging, rentals, and more. Email for more info [email protected]